These exercises for full body workouts do not need to be done on the same day. You can mix and do them in variations to ensure that your muscles do not get too used to one type of movement.
Why is it important to work your whole body?
Your entire body is responsible for improving your fitness. Therefore, it wouldn’t be too fruitful if you worked on only one muscle group.
Best exercises for full body
The following are five of the best exercises you can incorporate into your workout routine that can work as full body exercises:
1) Inchworm
To do the inchworm:
Stand straight in front of a mat. Bend from your hips, and touch the floor with your palms. Balancing your weight on your arms and toes, move your palms forward to move your body closer to the floor. Do a push-up once your body is parallel to the floor. Reverse the motion, and move back to the starting position, and stand up straight. Repeat for at least 10-12 reps per set.
2) Burpee
To do burpees:
Stand straight with your hands by your side. Jump with your hands extended upwards. As you land, move to all fours (palms and toes), and extend your legs backwards. Do a push-up from that position. Bring your legs inwards towards your palms, and stand up. Begin the jump for the second rep as you’re standing up. Do at least ten reps per set.
3) Jumping jack
To do a jumping jack:
Stand straight with your hands by your side. Take one jump, and extend your legs towards the sides while your hands move overhead by making an arch from the sides. Come back to the starting position where your feet are together and arms by your side to complete one rep. Do at least 12-15 reps per set.
4) Jump squat
To do a jump squat:
Stand straight with your arms by your side. Lower your body to a squat position. As you come up, use your quads to give yourself a boost, and jump in the air. When you land, land soft to avoid knee injuries, and continue with the next rep. Try to do at least 12 reps per set.
5) Devil’s press
To do a Devil’s press:
You will need a pair of dumbbells for this exercise. Hold the dumbbells in each hand; bend forward from your hips, and swing them backwards between your legs. Bring them back up; do a squat, and then an overhead press in one swift motion. Move to the floor; keep the dumbbells on the floor, and do a push-up. Move back up before swinging the dumbbells backwards again. Do that for at least 10-12 reps per set.
Bottom Line
The best exercises will only work for you in terms of weight loss or muscle gain if you’re following the relevant diet. Each exercise can help burn calories while making you stronger, but the right diet is a must if you want to see results from your workout.
Not every exercise works on the full body, though. Full body workouts are great, but it’s also important to separate muscle groups and work on them individually.
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