Keeping a low-average Elixir deck is always a good idea, as it helps you to halt an enemy’s early onslaught.

Low-Elixir cards are critical in this case because they can be launched for less than 3 Elixir. The five finest Low-Elixir cards in Clash Royale will be discussed in this article.

5 Best Low-Elixir Cycle cards in Clash Royale

5) Fire Spirit

Cost: 1 Elixir

Damage: 301

Hitpoints: 305

The Fire Spirit card is a Common card that summons a short-range Fire Spirit. It causes significant area damage and can be obtained once players reach Arena 4.

When a Fire Spirit attacks, it flings itself towards its victim, instantly killing itself. Finishing swarms of troops with low hitpoints is beneficial. Low hitpoint swarms like the Goblin Gang and Skeleton Army can be tackled with Fire Spirit and Hog Rider.

4) Electro Spirit

Cost: 1 Elixir

Damage: 132 x 9

Hitpoints: 305

Electro Spirit is a single-target, low-range ground soldier that can strike both air and ground troops that can be unlocked from Arena 11. The assault will arc and hit up to eight other targets within four-tile range if it lands on a unit.

Electro Spirits, like other Spirit cards, can easily finish swarms of troops with low hitpoints, and can also stun Inferno Tower’s heavy damage ability.

3) Bats

Cost: 2 Elixir

Damage: 108

Hitpoints: 108

Clash Royale Players can unlock “Bats” once they reach Arena 5. It summons five single-target air units with medium damage and low hitpoints.

Bats is a low-elixir card that can be employed as a support troop to slow down the enemy’s advance, or it can be used as an attacking support troop alongside high-hitpoint troops like Mega Knight to deal with Minions and Archers.

2) Log

Cost: 2 Elixir

Damage: 384

This is a spell card with a low elixir cost that may be unlocked in Arena 6. It rolls across the battlefield when activated, wounding a large number of troops in the region.

It’s especially good at stopping an enemy’s ground assault and inflicting harm on troops while forcing them back. Skeletons and Goblins can be used to take them down as well.

1) Zap

Cost: 2 Elixir

Damage: 254

Arena 5 is where you can get the Zap card. It’s a medium-range spell that stuns opponents for 0.5 seconds within its radius. Air soldiers, particularly the Minion Horde and Skeletons, can be quickly crippled by the Zap Spell. It can be used with cards that target defenses such as Hog Riders and Royal Hogs.

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