#5: Baron Corbin & The Authors of Pain (w./Drake Maverick) vs The Shield (Raw)

These two teams had an excellent 6-Man Tag Team match. The Shield hadn’t had a 6-Man Tag Team match since last year so it was great to see that their chemistry has not dwindled since Dean Ambrose’s injury.

All 3 men worked like a well-oiled machine which was interesting since a Dean Ambrose heel turn was teased. However, this did not happen. The Authors of Pain were excellently showcased as they took 3 former World Champions to the limit. They were also protected as it was Baron Corbin that was pinned.

This match showed that the Shield vs Dogs of War match at Super Show-Down has some potential.

#4: Raw Tag Team Titles: Dolph Ziggler & Drew McIntyre vs The Revival (Raw)

These two teams stole the show. The Revival finally had a match that can show Vince McMahon what they can do. The Revival showed off their chemistry together by hitting unique tandem offense. It really seemed like they could actually get the upset victory.

They showed that if WWE wanted to turn them face, they could thrive. Dolph Ziggler & Drew McIntyre did great in this match as well. It is interesting that as soon as Drew McIntyre got tagged in, his team got the win. That foreshadowed the inevitable break up between Dolph Ziggler & Drew McIntyre.

#3: Otis Dozovic vs Tommaso Ciampa (NXT)

No one expected this from Otis Dozovic. While he has shown potential and charisma while teaming with Tucker Knight, no one knew that he was such a good wrestler. He hung in there with the NXT Champion and almost put him away multiple times.

If Tucker Knight is just as good as Dozovic is, WWE could be looking at future stars in the tag team division in Heavy Machinery. Tommaso Ciampa was good as the champion that picked his spots. He took advantage of Dozovic’s enthusiasm to get the win. The apron DDT looked vicious as well. It is nice to see that both superstars got to showcase their talents.

#2: Hideo Itami vs Mustafa Ali (205 Live)

Mustafa Ali and Hideo Itami have a ridiculous amount of chemistry. These two have had two excellent matches on 205 Live (three if you count the triple threat match that also involved Buddy Murphy). Hideo Itami looked good as the vicious predator. He hit insane spots such as a boot he caught Mustafa Ali with when he was diving off of the top rope and an avalanche Falcon Arrow.

Mustafa Ali showed off his heart. He hit beautiful moves and the finish was beautiful. Mustafa Ali hit Hideo Itami with a Diving 450 Splash on the apron to cause the match to end in a no contest. It is great that this feud is continuing.

#1: Hiroyo Matsumoto vs Rachel Evers (Mae Young Classic)

These two women had an excellent match that many did not think would be the best of the week beforehand. Most Mae Young Classic opening matches have ranged from decent to good but this was just great.

Rachel Evers looked great as the fiery face of the match. Her sequence towards the end of the match was great. She performed even better than she did last year. Hiroyo Matsumoto looked great as the powerhouse of the match. Her moves seemed vicious and looked really believable.

It seemed like Hiroyo Matsumoto would be outperformed by the other Japanese women in this tournament (Meiko Satomura & Io Shirai). However, her match was actually better than Io Shirai’s match and just as good as Meiko Satomura’s match. She has a lot of potential and it will be great to see her against Toni Storm tonight.

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