With that, there have been 34 shows since 1985 and they are all different from each other. Some are decent, some are good, some are darn right terrible but today, we are going to look at the 5 best WrestleMania’s ever.

I missed out some such as WrestleMania XX which were great but didn’t quite make the cut. Sorry to all you mania 20 fans out there.

#5 WrestleMania 28

Ah WrestleMania 28, my first love.

This show was the first mania I ever matched live so while I might be a bit bias, there is no denying this show was great.

Triple H vs The Undertaker in a hell in a cell match was so beyond incredible. With Shawn Michaels as the referee, The Undertaker won his 20th WrestleMania match without a loss, the end of an era. The match mad great moments like Shawn hitting a superkick and Hunter hitting a pedigree for a scary near fall.

CM Punk and Chris Jericho had a really good WWE title bout and while it wasn’t the best match on the show and won’t be remembered as either mans best mania match, they had a really good showing for themselves. Punk won with the anaconda-vice to retain his title.

The main event was a once in a lifetime clash (forget what happens next year). The Rock faced John Cena is one of the most highly anticipated matches ever. They had musical performances for both men, with MGK performing for Cena, and Flo Rida performing for The Rock.

The match itself was much better than anyone thought it would be and ended when The Rock hit Cena with a rock bottom. The Miami crowd exploded with glee and Rock celebrated his first mania main event win. Great Show.

#4 WrestleMania 19

WrestleMania 19 took place at Safeco Field in Seattle and is probably the most underrated mania of all-time. The show was around great but the last few matches in-particular were great.

Chris Jericho and Shawn Michaels proved to everyone how good they are by having one of the best WrestleMania matches ever, in the middle of the show. Hulk Hogan vs Vince McMahon happened and while on the surface that may sound terrible, it was actually somehow great in its own special way.

Steve Austin competed in his last ever match and put over a Hollywood bound Rock. The pair had what was probably their second best mania match out of the three, and it was a really good match - a great last show for the biggest star in WWE history to retire on.

Brock Lesnar beat Kurt Angle for the WWE title in the main event. It was a great match but is maybe only remembered for Brock almost killing himself with a shooting star press. Brock suffered a concussion even though it would have most likely killed a normal human. But he’s not normal is he, he’s Brock Lesnar. Aside from that, the match delivered and made for a great main event to cap off an awesome mania.

#3 WrestleMania 3

The 30th annual WrestleMania was an amazing spectacle.

The show opened with the three biggest stars in WWE history - Hulk Hogan, Steve Austin, and The Rock cutting promos on each other. The crowd loved it, I loved it, and everyone with a brain and two eyes loved it.

Triple H and Daniel Bryan had a classic WrestleMania match in the opener. Daniel Bryan defied the odds and won the match to advance to the main event of the show. Cesaro won a battle royal, which was honestly one of the best in history. He also lifted the Big Show up and threw him out of the ring. How he did that, I have no clue.

The streak was broken and while the match wasn’t good, due to Taker suffering a concussion a few minutes in, It made for an absolute heart-stopping moment. The main event between Batista, Randy Orton and of course everyone’s favorite Daniel Bryan was a tremendous match worthy of main evening any mania. Bryan winning the belt was a huge moment in WWE history and will no doubt be remembered forever.

Even though he’s a heel now.

#2 WrestleMania 31

Maybe it’s a little controversial putting this show above WrestleMania 30, but they were both great shows with thrilling endings.

The build to the show was not very good at all, but the execution of the event was perfect. The opening ladder match was a great mess and the Sting vs Triple H match was one of the most enjoyable matches in mania history.

Seth Rollins and Randy Orton had a really good match with the finish being the best in recent memory. I am of course talking about the curb stomp into an RKO. What a finish it was. Cena beat Rusev and while it wasn’t the best match, it was the start to Cena’s great US title reign, in which he had an open challenge every week.

Undertaker and Bray had a fine match but it was nothing special. It was nice to see Taker back at mania though.

The main event between Brock Lesnar and Roman Reigns was one of the best main events in mania history. The two men destroyed each other, only for Seth Rollins to sprint down to the ring and cash in his briefcase.

Seth won the title and celebrated and that moment combined with everything else on the show, made this one of the best WrestleManias ever.

#1 WrestleMania X-Seven

Ok sorry for being totally predictable here but come on, it’s the best WWE show of all time. Maybe a few of the NJPW Tokyo Dome shows over the last few years are better, but in terms of just WWE, this is their best PPV ever.

The combination of everything was so great. TLC, Kurt vs Benoit, McMahon vs McMahon, Undertaker vs Triple H, and of course, Austin vs Rock.

Vince vs Shane was somehow good with Linda rising from her chair for a great moment. The amazing and spectacular spear off the ladder to Jeff Hardy by Edge, and the Matt Hardy, Bubba Ray Dudley table bump. Taker vs Hunter was also an enjoyable wreck.

The main event combination of Steve Austin, The Rock, the music by Limp Bizkit and the commentary by Paul Heyman and Jim Ross made everything perfect. Aside from the main event, the show was full of great matches and moments that we will remember forever.

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